What is a tribal college? Is higher education (post-secondary) important for Indians?? Why go to college? These are important and relevant questions for any student choosing to attend a college or university but possibly even more important for an indigenous student, particularly if you have grown up on the rez.
Cankdeska Cikana (Little Hoop) Community College (CCCC) is one of 36 tribal colleges and universities (TCUs) in the United States that were established in response to the failure of Native students at mainstream institutions. Most all TCUs are chartered by a tribal government and are located on a reservation, serving their respective tribal community. All TCUs are accredited, public institutions serving over 25,000 degree-seeking students plus another 50,000 people for continuing education opportunities.
CCCC was chartered by the Spirit Lake Tribal Council in 1975 and has graduated over 600 students. CCCC has experienced declining enrollment and averages 190 students per semester since the fall of 2014. There are many opportunities at CCCC for certificates, associate degrees, transferring for bachelor degrees, skill development and high school equivalency.
Going to college is a personal choice and there are many benefits to achieving a degree such as feeling better about yourself, having confidence, and learning about life. In addition, getting a college degree also results in social benefits such as improved quality of life, life expectancy, health status, and civic (community) life. Economic benefits of a college degree include increased salaries, benefits, employment opportunities, and mobility. Achieving a degree from a tribal college or university has the added benefit of learning more about tribal culture, history, and language and using college education as a way to perpetuate that knowledge.
Higher education is a good pathway toward self-improvement and self-responsibility while also demonstrating how to take better care of our families and community. We believe and try to practice, Think Dakota, Live Dakota.
We welcome you to CCCC to start your learning journey.
Mitakuye oyasin…all my relations (we are all related).
Cynthia Lindquist, PhD, President, Cankdeska Cikana Community College
Ta’sunka Wicahpi Win…Star Horse Woman