Cankdeska Cikana Community College (CCCC) emphasizes the importance of student learning and teaching effectiveness. The goal of CCCC is student self-sufficiency and independence through academic achievement. The College is dedicated to providing excellence in education and to providing services necessary for students to succeed. The College provides support systems that encourage student success. Faculty are available to provide assistance to students; tutoring and counseling sessions are available to students as needed; and CCCC provide appropriate learning environments. The state-of-art building and instructional equipment are well-maintained for students which includes the bookstore, library, and student services. These items are all geared toward student success at Cankdeska Cikana Community College.

Goals of CCCC Assessment
- Provide a continuous source of the knowledge essential for instructional improvement and assessment of student learning.
- Provide information for making institutional decisions about budget, strategic planning, faculty development, and program changes.
- Develop and retain a well-planned systematic process of data collection.
- Disseminate results that link the essential studies outcomes to the mission statement.
- Assure educational quality and improve student learning.
- Improve the delivery of Essential Studies coursework and strengthen the links between Essential Studies and the major programs.
- Assist Program Review and Curriculum Planning.

Assessment Documents
Annual Assessment Reports
2023-2024 Annual Program and Co-Curricular Assessment Report Summary
2022-2023 Annual Program and Co-Curricular Assessment Report Summary
2021-2022 Annual Program and Co-Curricular Assessment Report Summary
2020-2021 Annual Program and Co-Curricular Assessment Report Summary
2019-2020 Annual Program and Co-Curricular Assessment Report
2018-2019 Annual Program and Co-Curricular Assessment Report
2017-2018 Annual Program and Co-Curricular Assessment Report