Degree Overview

Students are offered a variety of undergraduate academic degrees and certificates at Cankdeska Cikana.

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Degrees & Certificates

In March 1994, the State Board of Higher Education adopted a General Education Transfer Agreement (G.E.R.T.A.). This agreement was created to help students when they transfer between institutions comprising the North Dakota University System (NDUS). CCCC is formally recognized by the NDUS as a Silver Certificate institution. By knowing what general education classes and credits will transfer prior to actually transferring, students can better plan and make use of their time and resources, both at the student’s original campus and at the campus to which the student transfers.
The categories are English (ND:ENGL), Speech (ND:COMM), Fine Arts Activities (ND:FA), Humanities (ND:HUM), History (ND:HIST), Social Science (ND:SS), Laboratory Science (ND: LABSC), Mathematics (ND:MATH), Computer Science (ND:COMPSC), and Science and Technology (ND:SCI).

In March 1994, the State Board of Higher Education adopted a General Education Transfer Agreement (G.E.R.T.A.). This agreement was created to help students when they transfer between institutions comprising the North Dakota University System (NDUS). CCCC is formally recognized by the NDUS as a Silver Certificate institution. By knowing what general education classes and credits will transfer prior to actually transferring, students can better plan and make use of their time and resources, both at the student’s original campus and at the campus to which the student transfers.
The categories are English (ND:ENGL), Speech (ND:COMM), Fine Arts Activities (ND:FA), Humanities (ND:HUM), History (ND:HIST), Social Science (ND:SS), Laboratory Science (ND: LABSC), Mathematics (ND:MATH), Computer Science (ND:COMPSC), and Science and Technology (ND:SCI).

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An Associate of Arts degree is obtained by meeting the following requirements:

1. Attain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00.
2. Successfully complete a minimum of 60 semester credits.

a. Successfully complete 38 semester credits of general education from the following disciplines:

i. Communications (9 credits); must include ENGL 110, ENGL 120 and COMM 110.
ii. Mathematics/Science/Technology (10 credits).
iii. Social Science or History (6 credits);
iv. Arts or Humanities or History (6 credits)
v. Institutional Specific (6 credits); must take DS 110 & DSL 250.
vi.  Student Success course (1 credit).

b. Successfully complete the required program core and elective classes.

Program core and elective credits vary by program. 

An Associate of Science degree is obtained by meeting the following requirements:

1. Attain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00.
2. Successfully complete a minimum of 60 semester credits.

a. Successfully complete 39-40 semester credits of general education from the following disciplines:

i. Communications (9 credits); must include ENGL 110, ENGL 120 and COMM 110.
ii. Mathematics/Science/Technology (14-15 credits).
iii. Social Science or History (6 credits)
iv. Arts or Humanities or History (6 credits); must include DS 110 & DSL 250.
v. Student Success course (1 credit).

b. Successfully complete the required program core and elective classes. 

Program core and elective credits vary by program. 

An Associate of Applied Science degree is obtained by meeting the following requirements:

1. Attain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00.
2. Successfully complete a minimum of 60 semester credits.

a. Successfully complete 35 semester credits of general education from the following disciplines:

i. Communications (6 credits); must include ENGL 110 and COMM 110.
ii. Mathematics/Science/Technology (10 credits).
iii. Social Science (9 credits)
iv. Arts and Humanities (9 credits); must take DS 110 & DSL 250.
v. Student Success course (1 credit).

b. Successfully complete the required program core classes.

A certificate of completion is awarded for successful completion of vocational-technical programs. Certificate programs provide vocational skills training, and can be completed in one year or less. The number of required credits varies by program. A student may complete a prescribed course of study and apply for certification through the Registrar’s Office.