Early Childhood Education

A baby playing with musical instruments.

Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education providers serve an important community and cultural role regarding the education and care of our children. Early Childhood is seen as the foundation for education within our contemporary society. Early Childhood Education students who successfully complete the program of study will have acquired the requisite skills for obtaining employment or advancement in the field of early childhood care and education.

This program includes both an academic base and methods courses that provide a balanced program for those wishing to pursue a four year program or begin a career as an early childhood care provider. Opportunities are available on campus to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education through Mayville State University.

A teacher working with toddlers.

Child Development

Childrens early years are integral to their physical, social, emotional, behavioral, language, and cognitive development.  From birth to age 8, children go through rapid phases of development and growth.

Children playing in a play area.

Positive Guidance

Positive Guidance and discipline are crucial for children because they promote self- control, self-regulation, teach responsibility, and help them make thoughtful choices.

A child playing with building blocks.

Hands-on Learning

Hands-on learning allows children to use their senses to engage children in problem-solving strategies and allows
children to interact with the learning materials.

showing chart


Early Head Start, Head Start, FACE, Little Dreamers Daycare, Public Schools, Lake Region area child care centers, Starting Your Own Business

Courses of Essential Study


Course # Course Name Offered
ENGL 100 Student Success FA,SP,SU
ENGL 110 College Composition I FA,SP
ENGL 120 College Composition II* FA,SP
COMM 110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking FA,SP,SU 3
  ND:FA or ND:HUM or ND:HIST   3
  ND:FA or ND:HUM or ND:HIST  
PSYC 111 Introduction to Psychology FA 3
SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology SP 3
CSCI 101 Introduction to Computers FA,SP,SU 3
MATH 103 College Algebra FA,SP,SU
SCIENCE/L ND:LABSC – Lab Science Elective  
  ND:LABSC – Corresponding Lab   1
DSL 250 Dakota Language I FA,SP,SU
DS 110 Dakota Culture and History FA,SP,SU

Core Classes


Course # Course Name Offered
EC 210 Introduction to Early Childhood Education FA,SP
EC 211 Observations, Assessment, Interpretation* FA 3
EC 213 Language and Literacy in Early Childhood* SP
EC 220 Infants and Toddlers** FA
EC 233 Pre-K Methods and Materials* FA
EC 235 Art, Music, and Play* SP
EC 236 Social Emotional Development** SU 3
EC 237 Children with Special Needs* SP 3
EC 297 Early Childhood Student Internship* FA,SP


Humanities Electives


Course #                                                                                       Course Name                                                                             Offered         Credits       

PSYC 250 Developmental Psychology                                                                                                       SP FA
BUSN 170 Entrepreneurship                                                                                                                          SU FA 3
  *Prerequisite or Co-requisites exist. See advisor for details.    
  **Alternate Summer Rotation    

Degree Program Total Credits…..66

Updated 10/02/24

• Student will create a developmentally appropriate environment.
• Student will demonstrate a comprehensive curriculum.
• Student will demonstrate various assessment strategies.
• Student will demonstrate their ability to maintain positive relationships.

Median annual wage in May 2019 – $30,520 Job outlook 2019-29 4% as slower than average.

The Early Childhood Education faculty is a professional who has been employed in private and public sectors of education and business. She continues to participate in professional development and scholarly activity to enhance their knowledge and to serve as role models for life long learning.